Responsibility at every step!

BB PHARM offers customized services to manufacturers and distributors of medications and innovative products in some of the CIS countries, the Near East, the Far East, Africa and other third countries.

Our clients are distributors and wholesale traders of medications. We sell drugs originating in the European Union to pharmacies and hospitals (at a price from EUR 1 to EUR 10`000). We supply such products for tenders, hospitals and companies who are engaged in parallel import of medications.

Our team will take care your products to be presented in new promising markets outside the European Union. Depending on your needs we can provide tailored service package comprising:

  • Market research;
  • Product registration;
  • Gaining market share and reputation;
  • Product distribution;
  • Third-country sales;
  • Logistics, transportation, storage.

Our over 10 years’ experience in this area and the extensive network of clients on a global scale make us believe that we can realize successful positioning of your products in new markets. Your success is our primary objective and, therefore, we provide reliable market research of the targeted market potential. Either independently, or together, we can develop an individual strategy and approach for gaining market reputation of your products.

We feel responsible to ensure operation to benefit your interests and would commit ourselves with the full procedure of registering innovative products, medications and medical supplies on the desired markets. We undertake to provide logistics, transportation and warehousing of your products in a manner ensuring their storage and guaranteeing sales presentation compliant with the regulatory provisions and the good market practices. Depending on your policy we can provide both import only, and import and distribution of your products in the relevant market.

Our services shall be paid for when you gain profit with our assistance. Practice shows that prospering partnerships with manufacturers and distributors of medications on new markets are built up by means of high quality of service, ethics and trustworthy relationships.

Action is the only step from a dream to success. Blagovest Belchev